Over 20 years of successfully working with nonprofit organizations and have been responsible for large campaigns, grants, matching grants to breakfast/luncheon meetings using the Raising More Money model
Elected to 3 consecutive municipal terms in Chelsea, MI. Two as Village Trustee and one as Charter Commissioner, turning the Village into a City
Understanding and development of a community coalition (using CADCA model for drug-free communities) building, messaging, media outreach, sharing ideas, networking, outcomes, programs, resource mapping, engaging key influencers
United Way of Washtenaw County Pacesetter since 2014 and Pacesetter Chair for 2017
Working hard, treating living things with respect, giving back to the community, teaching my children personal responsibility all while being able to laugh and enjoy life.
I have a USA provisional patent on an automotive aftermarket product.
Listed below are the organizations that I have
founded (f)
been a board (b) member of
supported (s)
American Cancer Society (s)
Chelsea Area Players (s)
Chelsea Bark Park (f b s)
Chelsea Baseball & Football (s)
Chelsea Center for the Arts (s)
Chelsea Community Hospital (s)
Chelsea Community Kitchen (s)
Chelsea Community Read (f b s)
Chelsea Farmers Market (b s)
Chelsea, Michigan (government) (b)
Chelsea Music Boosters (b s)
CoC. - high school show choir (b s)
Dance Arts Chelsea (s)
Faith in Action (s)
Grace Clinic (s)
JDRF (s)
March of Dimes (s)
Midwest Boston Terrier Rescue (s)
One World One Family (f b s)
Purple Rose Theatre (s)
Rafiki Foundation (s)
Red Cross (s)
Run for the Rolls (s)
St. Louis Center (s)
United Way (s)
Waterloo Natural History Association (s)
WAVE Bus (b s)
Yellow Door (f b s)
Youth Soccer Coach / Rec. Council (b)